ZX Spectrum Books
ZX Spectrum Books
ZX Interface 1 and ZX Microdrive
Sinclair Research, 1982 [computing, Eng, E7]
I. O. Angell and B. J. Jones
Advanced Graphics with the ZX Spectrum
MacMillan Press, 1983 [computing, Eng, E7]
Mark Harrison
The Sinclair Spectrum in focus
Sigma Technical Press, 1982 [computing, Eng, E7]
Dilwyn Jones
Delving Deeper into your ZX Spectrum
Commercial Colour Press, 1983 [computing, Eng, E7]
Steve Kramer
The Spectrum Operating System
Micro Press, 1984 [computing, Eng, E7]
David Laine
Machine Code Applications for the ZX Spectrum
Sunshine Books, 1983 [computing, Eng, E7]
Ian Logan
Spectrum Microdrive Book
Melbourne House, 1983 [computing, Eng, E7]
Ian Logan
Understanding Your Spectrum
Melbourne House, 1982 [computing, Eng, E7]