ZX Spectrum Books
ZX Spectrum Books
Andrew Pennell
Master Your ZX Microdrive
Sunshine Books, 1983 [computing, Eng, E7]
William Tang (edited by)
Spectrum Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner
Melbourne House, 1982 [computing, Eng, E7]
Steven Vickers
ZX Spectrum, Basic Programming
Sinclair Research, 1982 [computing, Eng, E7]
Steven Vickers, Robin Bradbeer
ZX Spectrum, Introduction
Sinclair Research, 1982 [computing, Eng, E7]
David Webb
Super Charge Your Spectrum
Melbourne House, 1983 [computing, Eng, E7]
Philip Williams (edited by)
Over The Spectrum
Melbourne House, 1982 [computing, Eng, E7]