American Beauty
(American Beauty)
by Sam Mendes (2000)
with Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening
DVD-2 [romance, B3]
Apocalypse Now
(Apocalypse Now)
by Francis Coppola (1979)
with Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen
DVD-2 [USA, war, B2]
Apollo 11 - L’uomo sulla Luna
Discovery Channel (2004)
DVD-free [documentary, B2]
Arancia Meccanica
(A Clockwork Orange)
by Stanley Kubrick (1971)
with Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee, Adrienne Cori, Miriam Karlin
DVD-2 [fiction, B3]
Atmosfera Zero
by Peter Hyams (1979)
with Sean Connery
DVD-2 [SF, B2]