Some rules may help to better surf this area.
Authors are sorted by last name, in a strictly alphabetical order. When a book has more than one author, all names are grouped and they keep the same order which was displayed on the book’s cover. If different authors are grouped, only the first author’s name is used to position the book.
Titles are displayed in the language of the book. If the book is a translation, the original title too is displayed, between brackets. When the original book is in a foreign language, an English translation of the title is provided. When different books by the same author (or group of authors) are listed, titles are usually sorted in alphabetical order following computers’ string rules, unless a chronological order is more suited.
The last line of each book shows Editor, year of publication, genre (SF, fiction, nonfiction, history, geography, military, comic, etc.), language (Eng, Ita, Spa, Fra, Ger, Lat) and position in my library’s shelves (A1, etc).