Malcolm Lambert
I Catari
(The Cathars)
S.E.E., 2001 [history, Ita, I4]
Emma Lathen
Finanza con delitto
(Banking on Death)
Il Sole 24 Ore, 2003 [thriller, Ita, A4]
Jacques Le Goff
Il Cielo sceso in Terra (Le radici medievali dell’Europa)
(L’Europe est-elle néè au Moyen Age?)
S.E.E., 2003 [history, Ita, F4]
Jacques Le Goff (edited by)
L’uomo medievale
(¬ The Medieval Man)
Editori Laterza, 2000 [history, Ita, H4]
Jean Leclercq
Bernardo di Chiaravalle
(Bernard de Clairvaux)
S.E.E., 1992 [history, Ita, I4]
C. S. Lewis
Out of the Silent Planet
The Macmillan, 1967 [SF, Eng, A3]
C. S. Lewis
The Macmillan, 1967 [SF, Eng, A3]