Gerard Sivéry

Margherita di Provenza

    (Marguerite de Provence)

S.E.E., 1990    [history, Ita, I4]

Sergio Solmi, Carlo Fruttero   (edited by)

Le meraviglie del possibile

    (¬ Wonderful Possibilities)

Einaudi, 1973    [SF, Ita, E3]

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The Love-Girl and the Innocent

Bantan Books, 1971    [fiction, Eng, A3]

David A. R. Spezia

Progetto Io

    (¬ I Project)

Mursia, 2009    [SF, Ita, I4]

Steven Spielberg

Incontri ravvicinati del terzo tipo

    (Close Encounters of the Third Kind)

Club degli Editori, 1978    [SF, Ita, E4]

Ken Stanton

Gli acquanauti

    (Cold Blue Death, Ten Seconds to Zero, Seek Strike and


Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1980    [fiction, Ita, E4]

Tom Steel

Scotland’s Story

Fontana Collins, 1985    [history, Eng, H4]


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