Sergio Romano
Anatomia del terrore
(¬ Terror Anatomy)
RCS Quotidiani, 2004 [essay, Ita, H4]
Angelo Roncalli
1906: Viaggio in Terra Santa
(¬ 1906: A Journey to the Holy Land)
Ferruccio Arnoldi, 2000 [essay, Ita, A3]
Jon Ronson
Picador, 2004 [fiction, Eng, J2]
Bernice B. Rose, Bernard Picasso
(¬ Picasso)
Electa, 2001 [painting, Ita, O2]
Joseph Roth
R.C.S. Editori, 2002 [novel, Ita, A7]
J. K. Rowling
Harrius Potter et Camera Secretorum
(Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets)
Bloomsbury, 2007 [fiction, Lat, F3]
J. K. Rowling
Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis
(Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone)
Bloomsbury, 2003 [fiction, Lat, F3]