Pekka Himanen
L’etica hacker
(The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age)
Feltrinelli, 2003 [computing, Ita, H4]
L. Ron Hubbard
Il Tenente
(Final Blackout)
Mondadori, 1970 [SF, Ita, H3]
L. Ron Hubbard
Ritorno al domani
(Return To Tomorrow)
Libra Editrice, 1981 [SF, Ita, F3]
Victor Hugo
Notre-Dame de Paris
(Notre-Dame de Paris)
R.C.S. Editori, 2002 [novel, Ita, A7]
Robert Hutchinson
Jane’s Warships Recognition Guide
Harper Collins, 2002 [military, Eng, A4]