Stephenl Hawking, Roger Penrose

La natura dello spazio e del tempo

    (The Nature of Space and Time)

B.U.R., 2002    [science, Ita, H4]

Nathaniel Hawthorne

La lettera scarlatta

    (The Scarlet Letter)

R.C.S. Editori, 2002    [novel, Ita, A7]

Chester G. Hearn

An Illustrated History of the United States Marine Corps

Salamander Books, 2002    [military, Eng, O2]

Robert Heinlein

Stranger In A Strange Land

Hodder, 2005    [SF, Eng, A1]

Ernest Hemingway

Addio alle armi

    (A Farewell to Arms)

R.C.S. Editori, 2002    [novel, Ita, A7]

Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson

Dune, The Butlerian Jihad

Hodder & Stoughton, 2002    [SF, Eng, A2]

Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson

Dune, The Machine Crusade

Hodder & Stoughton, 2003    [SF, Eng, A2]


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